viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

Love u


8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Paris is sooo beautiful!
Nice photos ;)

ryder dijo...

cant wait to go there again in 2weeks
but cdg airport is so complicated
i always get lost

Anónimo dijo...

Wow! I really love Paris! It's an amazing city..
I like your style!

following you.

Egoitz Azcona dijo...

Hace nada estuve yo en París. Qué BONITO.. Qué recuerdos!
Mola la foto de Starbucks que se ve el mouline rouge!

FindingFashionland dijo...

Very cool Moulin Rouge/Starbuck photo!

anni dijo...

Nice photos.. You're so beautiful ! :)

Luca Belotti dijo...

Lovely picts...really love the pict with starbucks cups...great job!
Please visit my blog and tell me what you think about...and if you want become a follower!
Bye LB

Christina Love dijo...

love the blog!